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About Us

Cybercast Advertising is your one stop digital advertising solution.
Our group comprises end-to-end solutions for all your digital advertising needs.


Our unique advertising credits platform. Where clients can buy advertising credits that are so easy and affordable you would be crazy not to try it..all managed from your computer / phone.


Where we allow people and companies of all shapes and sizes to profit through either referring, managing the sales and account management of participants.


Where we provide the hardware and software platforms to enable all participants to have easy to understand and utilisation of cutting edge digital advertising.


Where the customer and site data we collect can be utilised to enable clients to make better advertising decisions.


Where we provide very simple and easy to understand finance solutions. We never want anyone to miss out…

Our Partners

We are a collaboration of some pretty special companies..


Australia’s leading designer and manufacturer of consumer electronics and digital commercial displays.

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A visual communications platform designed to be agile and powerful, making digital advertising smart and easy.

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For Advertisers

Want to have full control over where, when, and how long you want to digitally advertise for? Instead of having no visibility of what is actually happening.

Want the freedom to do it in the comfort of your own realm? Meaning to advertise (to buy advertising credits and design advertising content that is so easy) all from your own phone, when and where you want it?

Want the freedom to choose the type of advertising platform? (be it the specific location, the type of kiosk it is shown on). You choose where so you know exactly when and where your advertising is being showcased.

Want the choice to produce high quality digital advertising content? Our advertising platform is so simple and easy to use. No digital advertising experience required.


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How It Works

  • Each site (and the hardware chosen for it) will be able to provide digital advertisements. You will have access to know what sites are available, what advertising is available on it and what type of traffic is being made visible to it…
  • Our digital advertisements are broken up into what we call “advertising slots”
  • An advertising slot is simply a single advert.
  • The sale of such advertising slot is called an “advertising credit”.
  • Advertising credits are assigned a value. The value is calculated based on the value (grading) assigned to the site by which it will be displayed through.
  • You will have the opportunity to buy advertising credits based on a number of choices
  • Where we have digital advertising sites available (by site)
  • What type of digital advertising is available on that site (by advertisement)
  • By what allocation you want to secure per site (by budget) Advertising is sold via Cybercast Advertising Partners. To learn more about our Media Partner Program contact us here.

For Site Owners

  • Want to earn a passive income stream for zero outlay?
  • Want to have cutting edge digital advertising signage placed within your store that will wow customers and drive additional business?

Cybercast Advertising Finance provides free digital signage for approved partners. By providing cutting edge digital advertising signage in your store it guarantees an income stream for your business. Income streams are based on a number of factors of course (your location, where we can have the signage, the type of customers you have (demographics etc) and of course traffic.. Sites where we provide free digital signage is offered via Cybercast Advertising Media Partners. To learn more about our Media Partner Program contact us here.

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For Distributors

Distribution of Cybercast Advertising is powered by Cybercast Advertising Media Partners
Cybercast Advertising Media Partners outsources its sales, marketing and service component.
By this we mean we partner with 3rd parties and provide you the tools and freedom to effectively market and promote our services, all within an established guideline.
Our Media Partners are the individuals and entities that actively promote and introduce both sites and advertisers.
Our Media Partners structure is based on the level of involvement an individual or company wishes to choose.
Retail Media Partners - Typically a company or individual that is well networked and can introduce sites and advertising clients.
Wholesale Media Partners - Typically a marketing, design and or advertising company, or a company that has access to sites and advertisers. Has the resources to coordinate and execute marketing promotions programs to its network.
Merchant Media Partners - Typically a media buying / advertising agency that has access to sites and advertisers. Has the resources to coordinate and execute marketing promotions programs to its network.

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